Anesthesia Surgical Intensive Care center

Expert team

Do Danh Quynh, MD

Vice Director of Anesthesia & Surgical Intensive Care Center

Position: Director of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Trinh Van Dong M.D., Ph.D

Director of Anesthesia & Surgical Intensive Care Center

  Position: Vice director of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital. Chief of Intensive...

Nguyen Quoc Kinh M.D., Ph.D

Director of Anesthesia & Surgical Intensive Care Center

Position: Consultant anesthesiologist Former director of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Do Trung Dung, MD. PHD

Deputy Chief Anesthesia I Department, Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital.

Position: Deputy Chief Anesthesia I Department, Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Pham Thi Hien, MD

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesiology I Deparment, Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesiology I Deparment, Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nguyen Viet Minh, MD

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Vu Nguyen Ha Ngan

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Tran Thi Nuong, MD

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Ta Thi Lan Phuong M.D., M.A

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Dao Thi Kim Dung M.D., M.A


  Position: Chief of Anesthesiology II Department, Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Le Xuan Hung M.D., M.A


  Position: Deputy Chief of Anesthesiology I Division, Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan M.D., M.A


Position: Chief of Anesthesiology I Division, Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Luu Quang Thuy M.D., M.A


  Position: Vice director of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Hoang Thi Thu Ha M.D., M.A

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Trinh Thi Thom M.D., M.A

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nguyen Thi Nham Dr.

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nguyen Ba Tuan Ph.D

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nong Thanh Tra M.D., M.A

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Ngo Manh Dinh M.D., M.A

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Tran Thanh Nhan M.D., M.A

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Bui Thi Hanh M.D, MA

Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

Position: Anesthesiologist at Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nguyen Thi Thu Yen M.D., M.A

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital  

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nguyen Dac Thanh Dr.

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nguyen Thi Huong, MD

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Trinh Ke Diep Dr.

Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

Position: Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital   Specialized: Anesthesiology and...

Nguyen Thu Ngan M.D., M.A

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Tạ Thị Ánh Ngoc, MD

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Phi Thi Hoa Dr.

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesiology II Department , Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesiology II Department , Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc...

Vu Van Trinh MD

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...

Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong

Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University Hospital

  Position: Anesthesiologist of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Center, Viet Duc University...